Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"ride and shoot"

My first day of "ride and shoot". I got out before 7am and started my bicycle ride, but today, for the first time since I got the bike, I made a few stops for picture taking...

this would have been a good companion pair to the "trolling the grass" photos I took the other day...
though it would have been better if the tractor was stuck in a swamp...

one thing about getting a bike with a little larger tires is that I can go off the smooth roads sometimes...

this is looking across the river from Becu...

I rode around and over to the other side, down the path and onto the sandbars...

bird prints...

little bird

middle bird

big bird




this is what happens sometimes when you just click "Autofix"...
sorta cool...


  1. omg CHUCK YOU SHOULD you should enter some of these in some contest, you'd win hands down!

  2. The Hawk picture is pretty cool!!!!!
