Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I often just have 2 pieces of toast and some coffee when I go through my morning online checkin/read the paper...routine, and I'm good to head out for my walk. I usually eat a full breakfast later. This morning I forgot that I got up at 3 (why!?), and about 15 minutes into my walk, a kind of dizziness from hunger set in, and I had to turn around and come back home.
Oh well, just as well. When I looked down at the brown Green River when I was crossing the bridge, I was thinking I should come back later and get some video of the fast moving water. Even though it was still dark, I could tell the water was brown.

And I had a "holy mackerel" a little later when I was walking past Becu. I haven't walked that route for a week or so. They (not sure who) had cleared out a short swath along the river there, removing all of the bushes and foliage, just leaving the trees. Sort of compliments the new park a little further down on the other side.

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